Category: Franchise Lead Generation

On May 1st, 2023

Emotional Marketing And Franchise Recruitment Breakthroughs

Understanding Emotional Marketing is the Key to Boosting your Franchise Recruitment Results Written by: Thomas Scott Franchise recruitment is a complex process that requires a targeted and personalized approach to attract the right franchisees to a system. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on emotional marketing and storytelling as powerful tools for...

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On April 24th, 2023

Developing a Unique Value Proposition for Franchise Recruitment

How to Stand Out in the Crowded Franchise Market Written by Thomas Scott According to the International Franchise Association, over 17,000 new franchise locations opened their doors in 2022, and more than one new franchise system starts every day. That’s almost 400 new systems a year! In North America, there are no real-time and accurate...

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On September 24th, 2022

Franchise Development Marketing Tips 

Franchise Development Marketing Defining franchise development marketing doesn’t have to be complicated: it’s any effort or form of marketing you do to get your business’s name out there. When done right, the effects are twofold: successful marketing, of course, leads to more customers and revenues, but also helps bring new franchisee prospects that can help...

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On August 3rd, 2022

Brand Storytelling: Franchise Leads Crave Content 

Quick, close your eyes and try to recall a business mailing, magazine advertisement or online banner ad that you’ve seen in the last week. It should be easy — the average person is exposed to several thousand display ads a day. But are you able to recall a single one? It’s hard, isn’t it.

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On June 7th, 2021

Franchise Marketing Review: David Sparks Talks PPC Trends to Watch in 2021 and Beyond

Paid online advertising is changing, and Brand Journalists can lead you through it At Brand Journalists, we spend a lot of time following the trends and changes in pay-per-click technology and practices, or PPC as it’s called, and I have to tell you, it’s been a year.  Paid online advertising is changing rapidly, and the...

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On March 3rd, 2021

Is Your Visual Storytelling Effective?

Video is an integral part of sales automation When I first started out in franchising, websites were the hot, new thing and video was not on anyone’s radar. But over the last few years, a titanic shift has moved vast amounts of information and customer engagement to video. We can thank sites like YouTube and...

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On February 1st, 2021

Everybody’s Talking About Sales Automation – There’s A Lot More to It Than You Think

Sales Automation 101: What it is, what it isn’t, and how your website should be driving it By David Sparks Every few years, it seems a new fad shows up to “revolutionize the sales process” and a new buzzword drives a new frenzy. Too often, we end up dismissing the “new latest” because it’s just...

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On December 3rd, 2020

Brand Journalists Franchise Recruitment Websites Dominate 2020 Awards and Rankings

Sites we developed and managed earned 38% of the top 50 awards for best performing franchise recruitment websites Franchise industry trade publication 1851 magazine recently published their 2020 Franchise Development Website Awards – and websites built by Brand Journalists dominated the rankings. Of the sites that 1851 highlighted as being the best in the industry,...

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On February 12th, 2020

What You Missed at the 2020 International Franchise Association Convention

New decade brings new and unexpected challenges for franchise system growth Thomas Scott, CEO and Founder, Brand Journalists The International Franchise Association’s 60th annual conference in Orlando remains one of the most important yearly events for anyone working in franchising. This year’s record attendance came with a promise of what’s ahead for us in this...

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On March 18th, 2019

How Content Marketing is Changing for Franchise Development

Content marketing is not just writing, it is a lot more complex than ever before and it is changing rapidly Creating a real, contextual connection with your franchise buyer prospect requires more content and different styles of content than ever before. Listen in as we discuss the challenges and talk about strategies for winning at...

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